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März um 11 Uhr und am Samstag, den 1. April um 11 Uhr", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "The café associative Le Tympan proposes you a new exhibition for this spring.\nCome and discover the works of painters Pheedgy (Chantal Mouly) and Jean-François Ruiz-Cuevas!\nOpening on Saturday March 4th at 11am and Saturday April 1st at 11am", "@language": "en" } ], "@type": [ "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#Description" ], "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description": [ { "@value": "Exposition visible aux horaires d'ouverture (jeudi 15h-22h et samedi 9h-14h) et sur RDV au 06 70 00 81 18", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "Exhibition visible during opening hours (Thursday 3-10pm and Saturday 9am-2pm) and by appointment at 06 70 00 81 18", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "Ausstellung zu den Öffnungszeiten (Donnerstag 15-22 Uhr und Samstag 9-14 Uhr) und nach Vereinbarung unter 06 70 00 81 18 zu sehen", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "Tentoonstelling zichtbaar tijdens openingsuren (donderdag 15-10 uur en zaterdag 9-2 uur) en op afspraak op 06 70 00 81 18", "@language": "nl" }, { "@value": "Exposición visible en horario de apertura (jueves de 15 a 22 horas y sábado de 9 a 14 horas) y con cita previa en el 06 70 00 81 18", "@language": "es" }, { "@value": "Mostra visibile negli orari di apertura (giovedì 15.00-22.00 e sabato 9.00-14.00) e su appuntamento allo 06 70 00 81 18", "@language": "it" } ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/d0678bc2-6b06-3aee-b189-7b9d494bb18f" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/e23db9be-8332-3985-9e5f-00d6d68bbe1f" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/f0d7103c-78dc-318b-995c-01247b243c77" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/f6a7ad91-4333-3457-82ee-f9fffc516921" }, { "@id": "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#Description" } ]