@prefix data: . @prefix schema: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix : . data:91834f94-a0b6-3a2a-a305-3014c66cdc17 schema:validFrom "2024-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:validThrough "2024-01-01T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:7f0a8061-f129-362f-8f89-074cfe48ea80, data:d340cdac-b98f-3ee7-97f9-1e02420a026c, data:51dd759c-0801-30de-b19c-5d5f9469b5ba, data:cc2ed662-ad33-3ac5-97fc-9d393291e4fb, data:07cf77c5-3ac1-36c2-bbcb-d970df898721 ; :additionalInformation """Heures limites de service : 12h - 1h Animations : Du mercredi au samedi de 11h30 à 1h. Le dimanche pour le brunch de 11h30 à 16h."""@fr, """Hours of operation: 12:00 - 1:00 Entertainment Wednesday through Saturday from 11:30am to 1am. Sunday for brunch from 11:30 am to 4 pm."""@en, """Begrenzte Dienstzeiten: 12h - 1h Animationen Mittwochs bis samstags von 11:30 bis 1 Uhr. Sonntags zum Brunch von 11:30 bis 16:00 Uhr."""@de, """Cut-off tijden: 12:00 - 1:00 Entertainment Woensdag tot zaterdag van 11.30 tot 1.00 uur. Zondag brunch van 11.30 tot 16.00 uur."""@nl, """Horario de cierre: 12:00 - 1:00 Entretenimiento De miércoles a sábado, de 11.30 a 1.00 horas. Brunch dominical de 11.30 a 16.00 horas."""@es, """Orario di chiusura: 12:00 - 1:00 Intrattenimento Da mercoledì a sabato dalle 11.30 all'1.00. Brunch domenicale dalle 11.30 alle 16.00."""@it ; a schema:OpeningHoursSpecification . data:ec311ee9-0f58-371e-ad72-a90094bf9102 schema:openingHoursSpecification data:91834f94-a0b6-3a2a-a305-3014c66cdc17 .