@prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix schema: . data:7f1f0435-3809-3348-ac22-9d2975d678e6 :hasTranslatedProperty data:f40b441c-fe6f-3ee4-9c1f-07858300cb1b, data:6cf91efc-9a0c-39fc-a8c1-95b16e11bd11, data:d1c390d7-260c-38bd-9a1c-5c11cf933c68, data:a7a8c584-357d-3997-a3c2-2ca064f39209, data:932cee08-cb00-36b7-8850-a86ca4a9e74e ; :hasEligiblePolicy kb:ChildRate ; :hasPricingMode kb:PerPerson ; :additionalInformation "2h Free discovery of the Hortillonnages (under 12 years old)"@en, "2h Découverte libre des Hortillonnages (moins de 12 ans)"@fr, "2h Freie Erkundung der Hortillonnages (unter 12 Jahren)"@de, "2u Gratis ontdekking van de Hortillonnages (onder 12 jaar)"@nl, "2h Descubrimiento gratuito de los Hortillonnages (menores de 12 años)"@es, "2h Scoperta gratuita degli Hortillonnages (sotto i 12 anni)"@it ; schema:minPrice 7.0 ; schema:price 7.0 ; schema:maxPrice 7.0 ; schema:priceCurrency "EUR" ; a :PriceSpecification, schema:PriceSpecification . data:183074b1-f883-365a-b758-713c4b416394 schema:priceSpecification data:7f1f0435-3809-3348-ac22-9d2975d678e6 .