[ { "@id": "http://schema.org/PriceSpecification" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/28049e2f-ba74-3f88-adf7-dddc51cc836a" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/67e03970-4900-301c-830c-00b9e914eb38", "http://schema.org/priceSpecification": [ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/72bed46c-493d-3e82-8dc6-764ad601400d" } ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/72bed46c-493d-3e82-8dc6-764ad601400d", "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#hasTranslatedProperty": [ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/b5d5050a-7994-3b07-b6b3-64f4f608b872" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/d7da19cc-b135-3796-94b5-dc86bf23d788" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/28049e2f-ba74-3f88-adf7-dddc51cc836a" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/8cb18851-de14-33ea-be7a-1d8e7de966f0" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/c067c044-250b-3b94-acc5-069b373759ae" } ], "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#additionalInformation": [ { "@value": "2 adultes et 2 enfants de moins de 11 ans. Avec vélo OVT ou avec vélo client", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "2 adultos y 2 niños menores de 11 años. Con bicicleta OVT o con bicicleta del cliente", "@language": "es" }, { "@value": "2 Erwachsene und 2 Kinder unter 11 Jahren. Mit OVT-Fahrrad oder mit Kundenfahrrad", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "2 adulti e 2 bambini sotto gli 11 anni. Con bici OVT o con bici del cliente", "@language": "it" }, { "@value": "2 adults and 2 children under 11. With OVT bike or with customer bike", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "2 volwassenen en 2 kinderen tot 11 jaar. Met OVT-fiets of met fiets van de klant", "@language": "nl" } ], "http://schema.org/minPrice": [ { "@value": "55.0", "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal" } ], "http://schema.org/priceCurrency": [ { "@value": "EUR" } ], "@type": [ "http://schema.org/PriceSpecification" ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/8cb18851-de14-33ea-be7a-1d8e7de966f0" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/b5d5050a-7994-3b07-b6b3-64f4f608b872" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/c067c044-250b-3b94-acc5-069b373759ae" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/d7da19cc-b135-3796-94b5-dc86bf23d788" } ]