"2020-10-16T07:13:50.24Z"^^ . . . . . . . "LAST TRAIN\nDes yeux qui n'en finissent plus de sonder le calendrier, des talons qui frappent le sol fr\u00E9n\u00E9tiquement et des guitares qui r\u00E9clament leur lib\u00E9ration du studio. Autant de signes qui trahissent l'impatience f\u00E9roce de ceux qui n'ont connu que la route pendant trois ans et 350 concerts \u00E0 travers la France, l'Asie ou les Etats-Unis. Last Train s'est construit sur sc\u00E8ne, s'est fac\u0327onn\u00E9 au rythme enrag\u00E9 des tourn\u00E9es et a sign\u00E9 le premier chapitre de son histoire, \"Weathering\", entre deux aires d'autoroutes. De la sc\u00E8ne du Bataclan aux plus importants festivals du globe, les quatre membres du groupe, qui ont d'une fratrie tout sauf le sang, ont marqu\u00E9 le rock franc\u0327ais au fer rouge.\n\n1\u00C8RES PARTIES \n\nJOHNNIE CARWASH\nTrio guitare/basse/batterie form\u00E9 \u00E0 l'\u00E9t\u00E9 2018, Johnnie Carwash s'inspire de la fra\u00EEcheur pop de Frankie Cosmos, de la hargne autodestructrice de FIDLAR et du garage bord\u00E9lique dans lequel ils r\u00E9p\u00E8tent. Leurs morceaux, courts et cisel\u00E9s, oscillent entre punk frontal et slows \u00E0 fleur de peau.\n\nPARADE\nDes guitares tout en avant, une voix s\u00E9pulcrale impr\u00E9gn\u00E9e du fant\u00F4me de Ian Curtis, et une rage contenue oscillant entre new wave et punk!"@fr . "LAST TRAIN\nEyes that can't stop probing the calendar, heels frantically hitting the ground and guitars calling for their release from the studio. All these signs betray the ferocious impatience of those who have known only the road for three years and 350 concerts across France, Asia and the United States. Last Train built itself up on stage, shaped itself to the raging rhythm of touring and signed the first chapter of its history, \"Weathering\", between two motorway service areas. From the stage at the Bataclan to the most important festivals in the world, the four members of the group, who have siblings who are anything but blood, have left their mark on French rock.\n\nPART 1\n\nJOHNNIE CARWASH\nA guitar/bass/drums trio formed in the summer of 2018, Johnnie Carwash is inspired by the fresh pop of Frankie Cosmos, the self-destructive aggression of Fidlar and the messy garage in which they rehearse. Their short, chiseled tracks oscillate between frontal punk and slow, on the edge of their skins.\n\nPARADE\nGuitars at the front, a sepulchral voice impregnated with the ghost of Ian Curtis, and a contained rage oscillating between new wave and punk!"@en . "Last Train"@fr . "13EVT114577" .