Dust Marseille congrès international d'astrophysique Obsolète
Evènement professionnel d'entreprise   Fête et manifestation   Point d'intérêt   Congrès  

Français (France) International congress about physics, origins and lifecycle of dust and metals (congrès international d'astrophysique).

Formation and evolution of metals
Dust chemical composition, physics of dust grains, life cycle of dust grains
Dust and Metals in Galaxies (including AGNs)

Local universe
Distant universe
Global universe
Current and future observational facilities

What can we expect in the future?
Anything else not planned or studied?

Point d'intérêt

Identifiant de la ressource chez le producteur.
Etiquette courte décrivant la ressource.
Français (France) Dust Marseille congrès international d'astrophysique
La classification de POI. Par exemple : festival, musée, chambre d’hôtes...
Description de la ressource.
Français (France) International congress about physics, origins and lifecycle of dust and metals (congrès international d'astrophysique).

Formation and evolution of metals
Dust chemical composition, physics of dust grains, life cycle of dust grains
Dust and Metals in Galaxies (including AGNs)

Local universe
Distant universe
Global universe
Current and future observational facilities

What can we expect in the future?
Anything else not planned or studied?
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