[ { "@id": "http://schema.org/OpeningHoursSpecification" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/1339ab8f-b475-3e31-a525-29f85da4098c" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/6fa03ec0-f3a0-3b1f-b46c-b7fee48ae6c3", "http://schema.org/validFrom": [ { "@value": "2024-06-01T00:00:00", "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime" } ], "http://schema.org/validThrough": [ { "@value": "2024-08-15T23:59:59", "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime" } ], "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#hasTranslatedProperty": [ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/1339ab8f-b475-3e31-a525-29f85da4098c" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/bb682efb-91be-314c-a97b-8a68444f70a6" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/e79323f3-916d-3fe7-b2e7-02003a233158" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/fe373b37-22f5-3be3-8d48-a19091d7ced1" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/cc279407-0bfa-35e0-a8da-8c7e71b8dcf0" } ], "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#additionalInformation": [ { "@value": "Ouverture du lundi au jeudi de 12h à 13h30 et de 19h à 20h30.\r\nLe vendredi et le samedi de 19h à 20h30. \r\nLe dimanche de 12h à 13h30.", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "Öffnungszeiten: Montag bis Donnerstag von 12:00 bis 13:30 Uhr und von 19:00 bis 20:30 Uhr.\r\nFreitags und samstags von 19:00 bis 20:30 Uhr.\r\nSonntags von 12:00 bis 13:30 Uhr.", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "Geopend van maandag tot donderdag van 12.00 tot 13.30 uur en van 19.00 tot 20.30 uur.\r\nVrijdag en zaterdag van 19.00 tot 20.30 uur.\r\nZondag van 12.00 tot 13.30 uur.", "@language": "nl" }, { "@value": "Open Monday to Thursday, 12pm to 1:30pm and 7pm to 8:30pm.\r\nFriday and Saturday from 7pm to 8:30pm.\r\nSunday from 12pm to 1:30pm.", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "Abierto de lunes a jueves de 12.00 a 13.30 y de 19.00 a 20.30.\r\nViernes y sábado de 19.00 a 20.30 h.\r\nDomingo de 12.00 a 13.30 h.", "@language": "es" }, { "@value": "Aperto da lunedì a giovedì dalle 12.00 alle 13.30 e dalle 19.00 alle 20.30.\r\nVenerdì e sabato dalle 19.00 alle 20.30.\r\nDomenica dalle 12.00 alle 13.30.", "@language": "it" } ], "@type": [ "http://schema.org/OpeningHoursSpecification" ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/9a57086b-6d3a-34ae-aa48-297f01d3bc03", "http://schema.org/openingHoursSpecification": [ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/6fa03ec0-f3a0-3b1f-b46c-b7fee48ae6c3" } ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/bb682efb-91be-314c-a97b-8a68444f70a6" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/cc279407-0bfa-35e0-a8da-8c7e71b8dcf0" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/e79323f3-916d-3fe7-b2e7-02003a233158" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/fe373b37-22f5-3be3-8d48-a19091d7ced1" } ]