@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix olo: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:11789df3-a475-3d23-b4a0-fd8fd0cec1c1 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:10098c43-22a5-34df-b60d-9c19baf5cf09 ; :availableLanguage "Anglais", "Français", "Espagnol" ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:e0259627-197d-3ec4-b3b8-80f8141a7b79 ; :hasContact data:3ea3627a-d02b-3611-89bb-7fe33710bf95, data:fe0662ac-2b6b-320d-b1d0-931e644fd332 ; :hasDescription data:10098c43-22a5-34df-b60d-9c19baf5cf09 ; :hasTheme kb:ATV, kb:TrekkingBike ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:9f8cb79d-f191-3722-9d12-a0dd9d0b731e, data:f75cd889-83e1-3b8d-b0dc-430f5b6d562b, data:4c69089b-e2d8-3693-afe3-22b631f589d0 ; :isLocatedAt data:ad150ae4-0841-3065-8ad3-df5e9d861c5b ; :lastUpdate "2024-03-01"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-08-08T11:59:36.878Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:11789df3-a475-3d23-b4a0-fd8fd0cec1c1 ; meta:fingerprint "bf4a4fb760f5dd67477d99ae50907033" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "176"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "6"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "416f40bf47de59e0e519096467184076" ; :creationDate "2022-08-19"^^xsd:date ; :hasBookingContact data:3ea3627a-d02b-3611-89bb-7fe33710bf95 ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :Product, :SportsAndLeisurePlace, :ActivityProvider, :CyclingTour, :Practice, :Tour, :Rental, olo:OrderedList, schema:Product ; rdfs:comment "Nicolas offers repairs, bike hire, bike electrification and sales of all types of bikes."@en, "Nicolas bietet Ihnen Reparaturen, Fahrradverleih, Elektrifizierung von Fahrrädern und Verkauf aller Arten von Fahrrädern an."@de, "Nicolas vous propose les réparations, la location de vélos,l'électrification de vélos et vente de tous types de vélos."@fr, "Nicolas ofrece reparaciones, alquiler de bicicletas, electrificación de bicicletas y venta de todo tipo de bicicletas."@es, "Nicolas biedt reparaties, fietsverhuur, fietselektrificatie en verkoop van alle soorten fietsen."@nl, "Nicolas offre riparazioni, noleggio di biciclette, elettrificazione e vendita di tutti i tipi di biciclette."@it ; rdfs:label "Nico Vélos"@de, "Nico Vélos"@en, "Nico Vélos"@fr ; dc:identifier "ASCBFC000V51KNV2" .