@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:b027f0a1-a141-3f55-b794-d0007f34799c ; :hasBeenCreatedBy data:3aec1050-d03e-305b-96b3-7c33a88bf2af ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:f9be77db-d6c0-3a31-9fa8-638da3098074 ; :hasContact data:1ba8593b-b440-3177-9e95-15c82a172608, data:f9235bd3-6c23-3ba7-bb28-486850c848da ; :hasDescription data:b027f0a1-a141-3f55-b794-d0007f34799c ; :hasRepresentation data:9eb522ab-ddc4-3a98-99ed-42c77c7aab57 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:e48a522b-2ab9-3f7e-939b-158159f17582, data:c5998fea-306a-3117-9af5-c5b30377110f, data:2121b473-851f-3cc3-a884-b6cd511db653, data:0e076fe3-11b7-3429-8e89-4d48b1ff84b2, data:30eb0e3d-63c1-3523-a635-405e37f67fa3 ; :isLocatedAt data:c9cd4027-44d3-34e2-92e9-cbb0181640ae ; :lastUpdate "2023-10-18"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2023-10-19T06:01:01.387Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "0adf5d45c754a47b013afa918f848644" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "722"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "5"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "ad4a123e72482b7b0bc72832061658be" ; :creationDate "2012-07-19"^^xsd:date ; :hasBookingContact data:1ba8593b-b440-3177-9e95-15c82a172608 ; a :CulturalSite, :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :ReligiousSite ; rdfs:comment "Berceau de la congrégation des bénédictines adoratrices, fondée en 1851 par l’abbé Joseph Aloyse Faller, né à Barr en 1816."@fr, "Cuna de las Adoratrices Benedictinas, fundadas en 1851 por el padre Joseph Aloyse Faller, nacido en Barr en 1816."@es, "De geboorteplaats van de Benedictijner Adoreren, gesticht in 1851 door pater Joseph Aloyse Faller, geboren in Barr in 1816."@nl, "Luogo di nascita dei Benedettini Adoratori, fondati nel 1851 da Padre Joseph Aloyse Faller, nato a Barr nel 1816."@it, "Wiege der Kongregation der Benediktinerinnen der Anbetung, die 1851 von Abbé Joseph Aloyse Faller, der 1816 in Barr geboren wurde, gegründet wurde."@de, "This is the birthplace of the Benedictine Adorers, founded in 1851 by Father Joseph Aloyse Faller, born in Barr in 1816."@en ; rdfs:label "Couvent de Bellemagny"@fr ; owl:sameAs ; dc:identifier "242001568" .