@prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix schema: . data:4bdef666-7f4e-3774-a91a-f6973ad5bf81 :hasTranslatedProperty data:cad23441-8096-3b58-9c10-f15cfc0e4f7a, data:3f8d18c9-7eb2-369f-933e-fd8a7e3cd6c2, data:11b5af12-8073-367f-b9c7-638e52f623a9, data:68b93fa6-08cd-3b71-852a-965d239a73ba, data:aa3f40a7-d3f1-3a35-9639-dcec1b2740f5 ; :hasPricingMode kb:Overnight, kb:ThreePeople ; :additionalInformation "Du 06/01/2024 au 03/01/2025 - Du 06/01/2024 au 03/01/2025"@fr, "From 06/01/2024 to 03/01/2025 - From 06/01/2024 to 03/01/2025"@en, "Dal 06/01/2024 al 03/01/2025 - Dal 06/01/2024 al 03/01/2025"@it, "Van 06/01/2024 tot 03/01/2025 - Van 06/01/2024 tot 03/01/2025"@nl, "Vom 06.01.2024 bis zum 03.01.2025 - Vom 06.01.2024 bis zum 03.01.2025"@de, "Del 06/01/2024 al 03/01/2025 - Del 06/01/2024 al 03/01/2025"@es ; :name "3 personnes (chambres d'hôtes)"@fr ; schema:minPrice 90.0 ; schema:maxPrice 90.0 ; schema:priceCurrency "EUR" ; a :PriceSpecification, schema:PriceSpecification . data:3e4917eb-032c-3610-a8e7-b60eb31210d5 schema:priceSpecification data:4bdef666-7f4e-3774-a91a-f6973ad5bf81 .