@prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2021-01-05T01:49:23.805Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :Festival, :PointOfInterest, :ShowEvent, schema:Event, schema:Festival ; rdfs:comment "Sunday in celebration as part of the festival Cep Party\" at Champilambart on Sunday, April 18 from 4:00 pm"@en, "Dimanche en fête dans le cadre du festival Cep Party\"au Champilambart le dimanche 18 avril à partir de 16h00"@fr ; rdfs:label "\"DIMANCHE EN FETE\" AU CHAMPILAMBART CEP PARTY 2021"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMAPDL044V50VIX5" .