@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix olo: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:d9c9ac21-c5c2-365f-a65d-15e7534a534d ; :hasBeenCreatedBy data:cb37ecba-e500-37e7-b601-64f9b1ef5b04 ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:cb37ecba-e500-37e7-b601-64f9b1ef5b04 ; :hasDescription data:d9c9ac21-c5c2-365f-a65d-15e7534a534d ; :hasRepresentation data:ff16e79b-fc75-352c-99f1-7f149b3131ef ; :hasTheme kb:Pedestrian ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:3e0e7efb-7590-3fa8-b9e1-db7e4d64ba83, data:d1c0432b-ec3e-38a0-863b-68604f25fc73, data:cf05fef7-2df6-302c-9ced-2ee7acacb4fa, data:4d00175f-2b2b-3c17-9558-e40efaf674f6, data:2981027a-8569-3b10-bdc1-b8d50bb8b77a ; :isLocatedAt data:8766faa7-8808-3885-9710-5bb6083ad5c4 ; :lastUpdate "2024-05-23"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-05-24T04:09:25.669Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "7a5f939e289279f47b833b737d256365" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "813"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "49"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "3a3279b07eeb2b20524f19eb82ea3207" ; :creationDate "2021-09-16"^^xsd:date ; :tourDistance "2000.0"^^xsd:float ; a :PointOfInterest, :Tour, :WalkingTour, olo:OrderedList ; rdfs:comment "Ce circuit qui fait le tour du plan d'eau est accessible à tous."@fr, "This circuit around the lake is accessible to all."@en, "Dieser Rundweg um die Wasserfläche ist für alle zugänglich."@de, "Questo circuito intorno al lago è accessibile a tutti."@it, "Este circuito alrededor del lago es accesible para todos."@es, "Dit circuit rond het meer is toegankelijk voor iedereen."@nl ; rdfs:label "CIRCUIT LE PLAN D'EAU DE LA BERNERIE - ACCESSIBLE A TOUS"@fr ; dc:identifier "ITIITIILBPMRLETROUDELENFER" .