@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:4edf0e87-e3fa-36ad-95ef-6eabf6db5cbc ; :availableLanguage "Français" ; :hasBeenCreatedBy data:cb37ecba-e500-37e7-b601-64f9b1ef5b04 ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:cb37ecba-e500-37e7-b601-64f9b1ef5b04 ; :hasContact data:7a35dbab-2865-3477-9581-511173e24737 ; :hasDescription data:4edf0e87-e3fa-36ad-95ef-6eabf6db5cbc ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:5c27287b-be8f-3a8c-881f-db1e936a3552, data:64fb35a2-5479-327d-86a3-9e57f3c3c32b, data:ff6f0e70-d0dc-313a-bf77-75da1f863b12, data:e661cd13-fbb8-31b4-8efa-f63833cfc370, data:5bf3f6cf-650a-3ed0-b51e-86c4bd6cafc3 ; :isLocatedAt data:12a65e0b-f750-30eb-8f05-bc823365ddd1 ; :lastUpdate "2023-02-02"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2023-02-03T00:34:15.843Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "cbebed3833546b04b4f0000dd5b660ad" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "809"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "49"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "9d1da5761a588577bde70b60c3f72276" ; :creationDate "2012-03-29"^^xsd:date ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :TastingProvider, schema:LocalBusiness ; rdfs:comment "You will find in the shop our products such as our range of biscuits and those of many other monasteries."@en, "Vous trouverez dans le magasin nos produits comme notre gamme de biscuits et ceux de nombreux autres monastères."@fr, "Im Laden finden Sie unsere Produkte wie unser Kekssortiment und die Produkte vieler anderer Klöster."@de, "In de winkel vindt u onze producten zoals ons assortiment koekjes en die van vele andere kloosters."@nl, "En la tienda encontrará nuestros productos, como nuestra gama de galletas y las de muchos otros monasterios."@es, "Nel negozio troverete i nostri prodotti, come la nostra gamma di biscotti e quelli di molti altri monasteri."@it ; rdfs:label "ABBAYE NOTRE DAME DU PORT DU SALUT"@fr ; dc:identifier "ORGPDL0530240174" .