. . . "Elle est l\u2019une des rares femmes en France \u00E0 utiliser cette technique. Dipl\u00F4m\u00E9e d\u2019honneur \u00ABfinaliste meilleur ouvrier de France\u00BB, l\u2019artiste partage son savoir faire en proposant des stages de poterie tous niveaux et tout public en fonction des envies de chacun (tournage, d\u00E9coration, \u00E9maillage\u2026) * Infos pratiques :- Toute l\u2019ann\u00E9e sur r\u00E9servation.\u0098- Consulter l\u2019artiste pour les tarifs."@fr . "She is one of the few women in France to use this technique. She is one of the few women in France to use this technique. With an honorary diploma \"finalist best workman of France\", the artist shares her knowledge by offering pottery courses at all levels and for all publics according to the desires of each one (turning, decoration, enamelling...) * Practical information :- All year round on reservation - Consult the artist for prices."@en . "Raymonde Duque Mesa - C\u00E9ramiste"@fr . "STALAR0300000769" .