. . . . . "The Chapel Notre-Dame d'Arlinde is located in the commune of All\u00E8gre-les-Fumades. The Romanesque style chapel is adjacent to the cemetery. The Priory of Notre-Dame d'Arlinde depended on the monastery of Goudargues conferred by the bishop of Uz\u00E8s and had Saint-Jean de Suzon as an annex. During the Wars of Religion that raged in the C\u00E9vennes, Arlinde was Catholic, unlike the other hamlets of the commune such as Les Fumades, which were mostly Protestant. On 4 March 1703, the Camisards (Protestants) came to set fire to the presbytery and the Church of Arlinde. In the following months, Catholics were killed by the Protestants in all the neighbouring hamlets. During the Revolution, Arlinde ceased to be a parish and its religious life was linked to that of Boisson where the church and the carillon of St F\u00E9lix can be found. Inside the chapel you can see the liturgical furnishings, including a superb cross with the symbols of the Supplice, the work of a companion and offered by a resident of the village. One of the stained glass windows represents the Rock and the Arlinde fountain. In the cemetery adjoining the chapel, you can see, although rather unobtrusive, on the surrounding wall to the right of the entrance, a Gallo-Roman funeral stele with a dedication to a deceased person translated as follows: \"To the males of Titus Cornelius Cornelianus\", testimony to the ancient occupation of the site. Open every day."@en . "La Chapelle Notre-Dame d\u2019Arlinde se situe sur la commune d\u2019All\u00E8gre-les-Fumades. La chapelle de style roman est attenante au cimeti\u00E8re. Le Prieur\u00E9 Notre-Dame d\u2019Arlinde d\u00E9pendait du monast\u00E8re de Goudargues conf\u00E9r\u00E9 par l\u2019\u00E9v\u00EAque d\u2019Uz\u00E8s et avait pour annexe Saint-Jean de Suzon. Pendant les Guerres de religions qui s\u00E9virent dans les C\u00E9vennes, Arlinde est catholique contrairement aux autres hameaux de la commune tels que celui des Fumades en majorit\u00E9 protestant. Le 4 mars 1703, les Camisards (les protestants) vinrent mettre le feu au presbyt\u00E8re et \u00E0 l\u2019Eglise d\u2019Arlinde. Les mois suivants, des catholiques furent tu\u00E9s par les protestants sur l\u2019ensemble des hameaux voisins. A la R\u00E9volution, Arlinde cesse d\u2019\u00EAtre paroisse et sa vie religieuse est li\u00E9e \u00E0 celle de Boisson o\u00F9 se trouve l\u2019\u00E9glise et le carillon St F\u00E9lix.Vous pourrez voir \u00E0 l\u2019int\u00E9rieur de la chapelle le mobilier liturgique dont une superbe croix comprenant les symboles du Supplice, \u0153uvre d\u2019un compagnon et offerte par un habitant du village. L\u2019un des vitraux repr\u00E9sente le Rocher et la fontaine d\u2019Arlinde. Dans le cimeti\u00E8re jouxtant la chapelle, vous pourrez voir, quoique plut\u00F4t effac\u00E9, sur le mur d\u2019enceinte \u00E0 droite de l\u2019entr\u00E9e, une st\u00E8le fun\u00E9raire d\u2019\u00E9poque gallo-romaine o\u00F9 est mentionn\u00E9 une d\u00E9dicace \u00E0 un d\u00E9funt traduite comme suit : \u00AB Aux m\u00E2nes de Titus Cornelius Cornelianus \u00BB, t\u00E9moignage de l\u2019occupation ancienne du site. Ouverte tous les jours."@fr . "Arlinde Chapel"@en . "La Chapelle d'Arlinde"@fr . "PCULAR0300100003" .