. . "fr" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2025-01-09"^^ . "2025-01-31T18:11:17.592Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2025-09-13"^^ . "2024-01-13"^^ . "2024-02-10"^^ . "2024-04-13"^^ . "2024-05-11"^^ . "2024-08-10"^^ . "2024-09-14"^^ . "2024-10-03"^^ . "2024-12-05"^^ . "2024-12-19"^^ . "2025-03-06"^^ . "2025-04-03"^^ . "2025-05-10"^^ . "2025-05-15"^^ . "2025-06-14"^^ . "2025-07-12"^^ . "2025-08-07"^^ . "2025-08-09"^^ . "2025-08-14"^^ . "2025-09-04"^^ . "2025-09-18"^^ . "2025-10-11"^^ . "2025-10-16"^^ . "2025-11-06"^^ . "2025-12-04"^^ . "2025-06-05"^^ . "2024-01-16"^^ . "2024-03-12"^^ . "2024-03-14"^^ . "2024-09-17"^^ . "2024-10-17"^^ . "2024-11-07"^^ . "2024-11-12"^^ . "2025-01-14"^^ . "2025-02-06"^^ . "2024-02-13"^^ . "2024-04-16"^^ . "2024-05-14"^^ . "2024-06-11"^^ . "2024-07-16"^^ . "2024-08-13"^^ . "2024-10-15"^^ . "2024-12-17"^^ . "2025-02-11"^^ . "2025-03-11"^^ . "2025-04-15"^^ . "2025-05-13"^^ . "2025-06-17"^^ . "2025-07-15"^^ . "2025-08-12"^^ . "2025-09-16"^^ . "2025-10-14"^^ . "2025-12-16"^^ . "2024-01-18"^^ . "2024-02-01"^^ . "2025-06-19"^^ . "2025-07-17"^^ . "2025-10-02"^^ . "2025-11-08"^^ . "2024-07-13"^^ . "2025-11-13"^^ . "2024-03-09"^^ . "2024-11-14"^^ . "2025-04-17"^^ . "2024-01-04"^^ . "2025-02-13"^^ . "2024-09-19"^^ . "2024-08-01"^^ . "2024-08-15"^^ . "2024-07-18"^^ . "2024-09-05"^^ . "2024-06-06"^^ . "2024-06-08"^^ . "2025-12-13"^^ . "2025-04-12"^^ . "2025-01-11"^^ . "2025-01-16"^^ . "2025-03-08"^^ . "2024-07-04"^^ . "2025-12-18"^^ . "2024-11-09"^^ . "2025-02-08"^^ . "2025-03-13"^^ . "2024-04-04"^^ . "2024-02-15"^^ . "2024-03-07"^^ . "2024-04-18"^^ . "2024-05-02"^^ . "2024-05-16"^^ . "2024-06-13"^^ . "2024-10-12"^^ . "2024-12-14"^^ . "2025-07-03"^^ . . . . . . "Le mouvement Emma\u00FCs est un ensemble d\u2019associations et groupements de solidarit\u00E9 pr\u00E9sents dans 37 pays. La premi\u00E8re communaut\u00E9 Emma\u00FCs, d'inspiration initialement chr\u00E9tienne a \u00E9t\u00E9 fond\u00E9e en 1954 en France par l\u2019abb\u00E9 Pierre."@fr . "The Emmaus Movement is a group of associations and solidarity groups present in 37 countries. The first Emmaus community, initially inspired by Christianity, was founded in France in 1954 by Abb\u00E9 Pierre."@en . "Die Emmaus-Bewegung ist eine Gruppe von Solidarit\u00E4tsvereinen und -gruppen, die in 37 L\u00E4ndern vertreten sind. Die erste urspr\u00FCnglich christlich inspirierte Emmaus-Gemeinschaft wurde 1954 von Abb\u00E9 Pierre in Frankreich gegr\u00FCndet."@de . "El Movimiento Ema\u00FAs es un conjunto de asociaciones y grupos de solidaridad que operan en 37 pa\u00EDses. La primera comunidad Ema\u00FAs, inicialmente de inspiraci\u00F3n cristiana, fue fundada en Francia en 1954 por el Abb\u00E9 Pierre."@es . "De Emma\u00FCsbeweging is een groep solidariteitsverenigingen en -groepen die actief zijn in 37 landen. De eerste Emma\u00FCs-communiteit, oorspronkelijk ge\u00EFnspireerd door het christendom, werd in 1954 in Frankrijk opgericht door Abb\u00E9 Pierre."@nl . "Il Movimento Emmaus \u00E8 un gruppo di associazioni e gruppi di solidariet\u00E0 che operano in 37 Paesi. La prima comunit\u00E0 Emmaus, inizialmente di ispirazione cristiana, \u00E8 stata fondata in Francia nel 1954 dall'Abb\u00E9 Pierre."@it . "EMMAUS"@fr . "FMALAR048V50HP8L" . "2024-04-18"^^ . "2024-05-02"^^ . "2024-05-16"^^ . "2024-06-13"^^ . "2024-10-12"^^ . "2024-12-14"^^ . "2025-07-03"^^ . "2025-09-13"^^ . "2024-01-13"^^ . "2024-02-10"^^ . "2024-04-13"^^ . "2024-05-11"^^ . "2024-08-10"^^ . "2024-09-14"^^ . "2024-10-03"^^ . "2024-12-05"^^ . "2024-12-19"^^ . "2025-03-06"^^ . "2025-04-03"^^ . "2025-05-10"^^ . "2025-05-15"^^ . "2025-06-14"^^ . "2025-07-12"^^ . "2025-08-07"^^ . "2025-08-09"^^ . "2025-08-14"^^ . "2025-09-04"^^ . "2025-09-18"^^ . "2025-10-11"^^ . "2025-10-16"^^ . "2025-11-06"^^ . "2025-12-04"^^ . "2025-06-05"^^ . "2024-01-16"^^ . "2024-03-12"^^ . "2024-03-14"^^ . "2024-09-17"^^ . "2024-10-17"^^ . "2024-11-07"^^ . "2024-11-12"^^ . "2025-01-14"^^ . "2025-02-06"^^ . "2024-02-13"^^ . "2024-04-16"^^ . "2024-05-14"^^ . "2024-06-11"^^ . "2024-07-16"^^ . "2024-08-13"^^ . "2024-10-15"^^ . "2024-12-17"^^ . "2025-02-11"^^ . "2025-03-11"^^ . "2025-04-15"^^ . "2025-05-13"^^ . "2025-06-17"^^ . "2025-07-15"^^ . "2025-08-12"^^ . "2025-09-16"^^ . "2025-10-14"^^ . "2025-12-16"^^ . "2024-01-18"^^ . "2024-02-01"^^ . "2025-06-19"^^ . "2025-07-17"^^ . "2025-10-02"^^ . "2025-11-08"^^ . "2024-07-13"^^ . "2025-11-13"^^ . "2024-03-09"^^ . "2024-11-14"^^ . "2025-04-17"^^ . "2024-01-04"^^ . "2025-02-13"^^ . "2024-09-19"^^ . "2024-08-01"^^ . "2024-08-15"^^ . "2024-07-18"^^ . "2024-09-05"^^ . "2024-06-06"^^ . "2024-06-08"^^ . "2025-12-13"^^ . "2025-04-12"^^ . "2025-01-11"^^ . "2025-01-16"^^ . "2025-03-08"^^ . "2024-07-04"^^ . "2025-12-18"^^ . "2024-11-09"^^ . "2025-02-08"^^ . "2025-03-13"^^ . "2024-04-04"^^ . "2024-02-15"^^ . "2024-03-07"^^ . "1128d7ac6c9851dc0f78cd2049f65345" . "1034"^^ . "45"^^ . "fcddb11f613c40ba2121c833a203118e" . "2023-12-29"^^ .