. . . . . . . "INVENT\u014CR is the musical ensemble of musical instrument inventors, combining artistic creation and high technology. Lux aeterna is the third act of the electro opera COSMOS. After the inauguration of the Lunar Philharmonic, the members of the ..."@en . "INVENT\u014CR est l\u2019ensemble musical des inventeurs d\u2019instruments de musique, associant cr\u00E9ation artistique et haute technologie. Lux aeterna est le troisi\u00E8me acte de l\u2019Op\u00E9ra \u00E9lectro COSMOS. Apr\u00E8s l\u2019inauguration de la philharmonie lunaire, les membres du ..."@fr . "LUX AETERNA"@fr . "FMALAR048V50CE7H" .