. "fr" . "Mise en place et respect des gestes barri\u00E8re"@fr . "Implementation of and compliance with barrier gestures"@en . "Einsetzen und Einhalten von Barrieregesten"@de . "Uitvoering en naleving van barri\u00E8regebaren"@nl . "Aplicaci\u00F3n y cumplimiento de los gestos de barrera"@es . "Attuazione e rispetto dei gesti di barriera"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2024-03-12"^^ . "2024-03-13T21:48:39.822Z"^^ . "false"^^ . "74460d9ef4acc1a771617d5aaa1cd66b" . "346"^^ . "42"^^ . "bdf2cd7d3d03155d4b8a9ac8acc666b2" . "2023-03-07"^^ . . . . . . . "marted\u00EC e venerd\u00EC dalle 16.30 alle 18.30 Pane contadino biologico a lievitazione naturale, farine biologiche (farro piccolo e grande, grano, grano saraceno, segale), semi biologici (farro piccolo, lenticchie verdi, canapa), oli biologici (canapa, colza, girasole) Agricoltura biologica e biodinamica, agroforestazione, lezioni di yoga"@it . "martes y viernes de 16.30 a 18.30 h Pan de granja ecol\u00F3gico con levadura natural, harinas ecol\u00F3gicas (espelta peque\u00F1a y grande, trigo, alforf\u00F3n, centeno), semillas ecol\u00F3gicas (espelta peque\u00F1a, lentejas verdes, c\u00E1\u00F1amo), aceites ecol\u00F3gicos (c\u00E1\u00F1amo, colza, girasol) Agricultura ecol\u00F3gica y biodin\u00E1mica, agroforester\u00EDa, clases de yoga.."@es . "dienstags und freitags von 16.30 bis 18.30 Uhr Bio-Bauernbrot mit Natursauerteig, Bio-Mehl (Einkorn und Dinkel, Weizen, Buchweizen, Roggen), Bio-Saatgut (Einkorn, gr\u00FCne Linsen, Hanf), Bio-\u00D6l (Hanf, Raps, Sonnenblumen) Biologische Landwirtschaft, biodynamische Landwirtschaft, Agroforstwirtschaft, Yogakurse"@de . "les mardi et vendredi de 16h30 \u00E0 18h30 Pain paysan bio au levain naturel, farines bio (petit et grand \u00E9peautre, bl\u00E9, sarrasin, seigle), graines bio (petit \u00E9peautre, lentilles vertes, chanvre), huiles bio (chanvre, colza, tournesol) Agriculture biologique, biodynamique, agroforesterie, cours de yoga"@fr . "dinsdag en vrijdag van 16.30 tot 18.30 uur Biologisch boerenbrood met natuurlijke zuurdesem, biologisch meel (kleine en grote spelt, tarwe, boekweit, rogge), biologische zaden (kleine spelt, groene linzen, hennep), biologische oli\u00EBn (hennep, koolzaad, zonnebloem) Biologische en biodynamische landbouw, agrobosbouw, yogalessen"@nl . "tuesdays and Fridays from 4:30 to 6:30 pm Organic farmhouse bread with natural leaven, organic flours (small and large spelt, wheat, buckwheat, rye), organic seeds (small spelt, green lentils, hemp), organic oils (hemp, rapeseed, sunflower) Organic, biodynamic farming, agroforestry, yoga classes"@en . "L'Oasis ardennaise"@fr . "DEGCHA0080000332" .