"2021-01-17T21:43:40.767Z"^^ . . . . . . . "\u00AB Changer la vie \u00BBQuelle place occupe F. Mitterrand dans notre imaginaire commun et dans cette g\u00E9n\u00E9alogie pr\u00E9sidentielle ?Il est devenu le premier Pr\u00E9sident socialiste (et ce mot, en mai 1981, n\u2019avait pas le m\u00EAme sens qu\u2019au moment o\u00F9 j\u2019\u00E9cris ces lignes) \u00E9lu sous la Cinqui\u00E8me R\u00E9publique et donc, en ce sens, le r\u00E9ceptacle d\u2019espoirs nouveaux.\u00A0 Avec lui, la g\u00E9n\u00E9ration de mes parents a r\u00EAv\u00E9 de \u00AB changer la vie \u00BB.\u00A0 Et les premiers temps de son premier septennat ont incarn\u00E9 ce r\u00EAve : abolition de la peine de mort, vague de nationalisations, augmentation du SMIC, retraite \u00E0 60 ans, d\u00E9centralisation, politique culturelle, d\u00E9p\u00E9nalisation de l\u2019homosexualit\u00E9\u2026F. Mitterrand, dans l\u2019imaginaire collectif, h\u00E9ritait de L. Blum : comme le Front Populaire de 1936, la gauche de 1981 devait conjuguer justice sociale et progr\u00E8s soci\u00E9tal. Si tous les Pr\u00E9sidents ont repr\u00E9sent\u00E9 un \u00E9lan, aucun n\u2019a, comme Mitterrand, port\u00E9 ces voix jusque-l\u00E0 ignor\u00E9es. Renseignements compl\u00E9mentaires et r\u00E9servations : Tel. 03 24 41 55 71 PORT DU MASQUE OBLIGATOIRE"@fr . "\"Changing lives.\" What a place F. has. Mitterrand occupies in our common imagination and in this presidential genealogy? He became the first Socialist President (and this word, in May 1981, did not have the same meaning as at the time I am writing these lines) elected under the Fifth Republic and thus, in this sense, the receptacle of new hopes. With him, my parents' generation dreamed of \"changing life\". And the early days of his first seven-year term embodied this dream: abolition of the death penalty, a wave of nationalizations, an increase in the minimum wage, retirement at 60, decentralization, cultural policy, decriminalization of homosexuality...F. Mitterrand, in the collective imagination, inherited from L. Blum: like the Popular Front of 1936, the Left of 1981 had to combine social justice and societal progress. If all the Presidents represented an impetus, none of them, like Mitterrand, carried those voices that had been ignored until then. Further information and reservations: Tel. 03 24 41 55 71 PORT DU MASQUE OBLIGATOIRE"@en . "La vie et la mort de F. Mitterrand, roi des fran\u00E7ais"@fr . "FMACHA0080020726" .