[ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/1aef1d77-85fa-3e17-ba02-d7f21b25e684" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/380468bd-c9c9-34c3-ab30-29ba795f8553", "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#topDataProperty": [ { "@value": "4 emplacements gratuits", "@language": "fr" } ], "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#hasTranslatedProperty": [ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/a0384821-44c3-30bb-97d3-0645af81fc8a" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/1aef1d77-85fa-3e17-ba02-d7f21b25e684" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/a01b9ce7-aac3-364c-a897-8c39d1073332" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/5323e1fc-76bd-366c-ad88-bc0e0ef63ced" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/cf0ceaa9-60fd-3c26-8ff3-bdb2e1f8c744" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/467022b5-c84b-3da2-952c-df224efe5280" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/53eb9f36-a4e3-3cdb-a873-df63a4cf020f" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/9d756b4f-11af-3c6f-aafb-b4ef671ddd84" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/76327bc8-40b9-36a7-8b5b-7dc1f08f7e2f" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/5878a731-d3de-3ce1-8c9c-0eea9e1a1806" } ], "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#shortDescription": [ { "@value": "4 free pitches", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "4 emplacements gratuits", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "4 kostenlose Stellplätze", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "4 vrije plaatsen", "@language": "nl" }, { "@value": "4 parcelas libres", "@language": "es" }, { "@value": "4 piazzole libere", "@language": "it" } ], "@type": [ "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#Description" ], "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description": [ { "@value": "At the exit of the village coming from Nantes, turn right at the bridge, on the riverside, near the Grotte Saint-Jean.\nDrain waste water, WC, water point (by CB)", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "A la sortie du bourg en venant de Nantes, à droite au pont, en bordure de rivière, près de la Grotte Saint-Jean.\nVidange eaux usées, WC, point d'eau (par CB)", "@language": "fr" }, { "@value": "Am Ortsausgang von Nantes, rechts an der Brücke, am Flussufer, in der Nähe der Grotte Saint-Jean.\nAbwasserentsorgung, WC, Wasserstelle (per CB)", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "Bij de uitgang van het dorp komende uit Nantes, rechts bij de brug, aan de oever van de rivier, vlakbij de Grotte Saint-Jean.\nAfvalwaterafvoer, WC, watertappunt (door CB)", "@language": "nl" }, { "@value": "A la salida del pueblo viniendo de Nantes, a la derecha en el puente, en la orilla del río, cerca de la Gruta Saint-Jean.\nEliminación de aguas residuales, WC, punto de agua (por CB)", "@language": "es" }, { "@value": "All'uscita del paese venendo da Nantes, a destra del ponte, sulla riva del fiume, vicino alla Grotte Saint-Jean.\nSmaltimento delle acque reflue, WC, punto acqua (da CB)", "@language": "it" } ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/467022b5-c84b-3da2-952c-df224efe5280" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/49/7779f396-f009-366b-a992-c74f7371287e", "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#topObjectProperty": [ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/380468bd-c9c9-34c3-ab30-29ba795f8553" } ], "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#hasDescription": [ { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/380468bd-c9c9-34c3-ab30-29ba795f8553" } ] }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/5323e1fc-76bd-366c-ad88-bc0e0ef63ced" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/53eb9f36-a4e3-3cdb-a873-df63a4cf020f" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/5878a731-d3de-3ce1-8c9c-0eea9e1a1806" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/76327bc8-40b9-36a7-8b5b-7dc1f08f7e2f" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/9d756b4f-11af-3c6f-aafb-b4ef671ddd84" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/a01b9ce7-aac3-364c-a897-8c39d1073332" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/a0384821-44c3-30bb-97d3-0645af81fc8a" }, { "@id": "https://data.datatourisme.fr/cf0ceaa9-60fd-3c26-8ff3-bdb2e1f8c744" }, { "@id": "https://www.datatourisme.fr/ontology/core#Description" } ]