@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:44a09ab0-f460-3860-b6a6-c98b74c7d528 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:fc70fd16-544a-3e9c-aa3b-a0b3d4c483fa ; :hasBeenCreatedBy data:603b11b8-9a04-3ce4-ad2d-edd22cda9eb3 ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:603b11b8-9a04-3ce4-ad2d-edd22cda9eb3 ; :hasContact data:4c4931dc-64be-37a9-bb03-d3b8c00082ac ; :hasDescription data:fc70fd16-544a-3e9c-aa3b-a0b3d4c483fa ; :hasMainRepresentation data:f9689b05-9672-3102-9c3c-d3ff6d0ed2f6 ; :hasRepresentation data:f9689b05-9672-3102-9c3c-d3ff6d0ed2f6 ; :hasTheme kb:Cinema ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:4b244139-6cfe-34e4-9433-94094b12da8a, data:4a94feec-44d8-3711-997a-b0ddb0155d39, data:63581c07-fe7f-35a1-9f56-fb3bc383bc16, data:0f0f5694-3cb5-3281-8515-d9c00f896cfe, data:63e1dcb7-afa9-3b7e-bb76-1b520f626324 ; :isLocatedAt data:053f1e17-04ec-3121-aba3-b8dce6709230 ; :lastUpdate "2024-09-17"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-09-17T19:00:45.928Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:44a09ab0-f460-3860-b6a6-c98b74c7d528 ; :takesPlaceAt data:421ff28f-b401-3423-8758-b5977f41d8a4 ; meta:fingerprint "596b1a635ab369fb923289e057938bb7" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "342"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "33"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "e83bb0aadc1ea9903efbf19f108ee76b" ; schema:endDate "2024-10-01"^^xsd:date ; schema:startDate "2024-09-18"^^xsd:date ; a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, :ScreeningEvent, schema:Event, schema:ScreeningEvent ; rdfs:comment "L'ADRC présente sa dixième édition de Play it again, festival dédié au cinéma de patrimoine et cette année au thème : \"Que la fête (re)commence !\"."@fr, "Der ADRC präsentiert seine zehnte Ausgabe von Play it again, einem Festival, das dem Kino des Kulturerbes gewidmet ist und in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto steht: \"Let the party (re)begin!\"."@de, "La CCRA presenta la decima edizione di Play it again, un festival dedicato al cinema del patrimonio e il cui tema di quest'anno è: \"Let the party (re)begin!"@it, "El CCRA presenta su décima edición de Play it again, festival dedicado al cine patrimonial cuyo lema de este año es: \"¡Que (re)empiece la fiesta!"@es, "The CCRA presents its tenth edition of Play it again, a festival dedicated to heritage cinema and this year's theme: \"Let the party (re)begin!\"."@en, "De CCRA presenteert de tiende editie van Play it again, een festival gewijd aan erfgoed cinema met dit jaar als thema: \"Let the party (re)begin!"@nl ; rdfs:label "CINEMA : FESTIVAL PLAY IT AGAIN"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMAMID031V50XDKW" .