. . . . . . . . . "From 11am to 5pm on the Place du Griffe: \"a foretaste of Christmas\" organised by all the associations of Nizas: at 5pm in the church: concert organised by Franck Malbert and the choir \"la Gloriette\" from Font\u00E8s."@en . "De 11 h 00 \u00E0 17 h 00 sur la Place du Griffe : \u00AB un avant-go\u00FBt de No\u00EBl \u00BB organis\u00E9 par l\u2019ensemble des Associations de NIZAS"@fr . "A FORETASTE OF CHRISTMAS"@en . "UN AVANT-GO\u00DBT DE NO\u00CBL"@en . "UN AVANT-GO\u00DBT DE NO\u00CBL"@fr . "FMALAR034V5138G1" .