. . . . . . . "Ce duo voyageur incorpore \u00E0 son r\u00E9pertoire diff\u00E9rentes traditions musicales : entre m\u00E9lodies intimes et rythmes envo\u00FBtants du terroir afro-cr\u00E9ole, les boucles entrecrois\u00E9es de la guitare se m\u00EAlent aux sons de la harpe africaine, une pinc\u00E9e de beatbox venant soutenir les harmonies vocales. De la musique qui parle au c\u0153ur et aux jambes !\n5 \u20AC (une boisson offerte)"@fr . "This traveling duo incorporates different musical traditions into its repertoire: between intimate melodies and bewitching rhythms of the Afro-Creole soil, the intertwined loops of the guitar mingle with the sounds of the African harp, a pinch of beatbox supporting the vocal harmonies. Music that speaks to the heart and legs!\n5 \u20AC (one drink offered)"@en . "KERCHANGA EN CONCERT"@en . "KERCHANGA EN CONCERT"@fr . "FMALAR034V5248QT" .