@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, :ShowEvent, :TheaterEvent, schema:Event, schema:TheaterEvent ; rdfs:comment """Feintes, pitreries et lavements mais aussi critiques sociales se succèdent dans ce chef-d’oeuvre du répertoire comique où l’on retrouve les thèmes favoris de Molière. Un succès à l’affiche depuis 7 ans !"""@fr, """Argan, totally hypochondriac plans to marry his daughter Angelique to Thomas Diafoirus, nephew of his personal doctor, as soon as he will also be made a medic. But Angelique is in love with Cleante.... Dissimulations, tomfooleries, "enemas" but also social criticism come one after another in this masterpiece of comic theater where Molière's favourite themes appear."""@en ; rdfs:label "LE MALADE IMAGINAIRE (THE HYPOCHONDRIAC)"@en, "LE MALADE IMAGINAIRE - ILLUSTRE THEATRE"@en, "LE MALADE IMAGINAIRE - ILLUSTRE THEATRE"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMALAR034V51SVIJ" .