@prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2021-01-04T23:09:41.201Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, :TheaterEvent, schema:Event, schema:TheaterEvent ; rdfs:comment """A show written and performed by YANNICK JAULIN, healthful and curative, like a medicinal garden; a man fighting with the "ills" of his native language. All audiences from 8 years of age. Duration: 1h"""@en, "Un spectacle comme un jardin de simples, vivifiant et curatif et un Jaulin qui bataille avec les « maux » de sa langue."@fr ; rdfs:label "SAISON CULTURELLE - MA LANGUE MATERNELLE VA MOURIR ... - THEATRE"@en, "THEATRE - MY MOTHER TONGUE IS ABOUT TO DIE"@en, "SAISON CULTURELLE - MA LANGUE MATERNELLE VA MOURIR ... - THEATRE"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMALAR034V51U1AP" .