@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :Exhibition, :PointOfInterest, schema:Event, schema:ExhibitionEvent ; rdfs:comment """Ceramics, a test of fire Against Nature is an exhibition inhabited by insolent, hybrid shapes made of clay and enamel, such grotesque creatures compose a luxuriant, original, mysterious, troubling, or even hallucinatory world."""@en, "¡No te pierdas la nueva exposición \"Contre-Nature\" en Panacée Moco del 21 de mayo al 04 de septiembre de 2022!"@es, "Ne manquez pas la nouvelle exposition \"Contre-Nature\" au MO.CO. Panacée du 21 mai au 04 septembre 2022 !"@fr ; rdfs:label "AGAINST NATURE"@en, "CONTRE-NATURE"@en, "CONTRA LA NATURALEZA"@es, "CONTRE-NATURE"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMALAR034V5251VO" .