@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:29de7443-be6f-330a-a37c-a97c32436d01 ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:adce4411-0f8d-3138-8d32-b8eb71125ab5 ; :hasDescription data:29de7443-be6f-330a-a37c-a97c32436d01 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:d86e61f9-3ab4-3f44-b7ba-0c3111c4868b, data:2844ba4c-5a49-33fc-896d-f3a034b71927, data:bb91ef17-a754-32f3-93aa-c3fdb1f95fa4, data:d03ff637-a1f4-3bab-a212-506808dbc9e1, data:2af07990-339c-3678-917c-179f517c83d5 ; :isLocatedAt data:e1526fe4-fd70-38e9-89e5-8defcb91446c ; :lastUpdate "2021-04-16"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2023-03-18T05:09:34.159Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "9fa5cb9ad6f21091a71c57d0da18bc08" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "491"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "30"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "1b96ce35d2af69f40f2a5bd2b32504c3" ; :creationDate "2015-09-29"^^xsd:date ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :Transport, :Parking ; rdfs:comment "Parking liberty Alley près du musée de la Bataille de Normandie"@fr, "Parkplatz liberty Alley in der Nähe des Museums der Schlacht um die Normandie"@de, "Parking liberty Alley near the Battle of Normandy Museum"@en, "Liberty Alley parkeerplaats bij het Museum van de Slag om Normandië"@nl, "Aparcamiento del Callejón de la Libertad, cerca del Museo de la Batalla de Normandía"@es, "Parcheggio Liberty Alley vicino al Museo della Battaglia di Normandia"@it ; rdfs:label "Parking"@fr, "Parking"@en ; dc:identifier "POINOR014V511QSR" .