@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:b60d3a62-2a87-3be6-bb14-0a237a00af0b ; owl:topObjectProperty data:4b9a8659-542a-3a7b-8b4e-d0850f6e1a0b ; :availableLanguage "en", "fr" ; :hasBeenCreatedBy data:2fe1efb9-0385-339f-948e-ef82fd8ea3f1 ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:5463b4e3-2482-3579-a40a-47ba972f29d5 ; :hasContact data:a7091b65-f6a4-30f3-86cb-9f5b36af80a0 ; :hasDescription data:4b9a8659-542a-3a7b-8b4e-d0850f6e1a0b ; :hasFeature data:8e269088-7e69-3c28-994b-1fe3be236146 ; :hasTheme kb:TraditionalCuisine, kb:Crepery, kb:SingleProductSpecialities ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:e013501f-276a-3306-a144-271d642c92dc, data:8522f9fb-ea2a-3955-95bb-617397f8d803, data:2c753064-c3c2-388b-b748-0eb01d49c4bd, data:aee326eb-2903-36db-b902-df668c91ba76, data:18f404a1-0b39-34c5-9241-816670b05169 ; :isEquippedWith kb:BabyChair, kb:CarPark, kb:Terrace, kb:Wifi, kb:AirConditioner ; :isLocatedAt data:44266ee5-1550-3a88-8d43-653f7d3f4b5a ; :lastUpdate "2024-06-25"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-06-26T02:08:34.513Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:b60d3a62-2a87-3be6-bb14-0a237a00af0b ; meta:fingerprint "9607886ad2b7c9d8565dfe24bd2d43e3" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "436"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "28"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "02cf3c343481e2594b8438e09816aee1" ; :allowedPersons 66 ; :creationDate "2002-04-12"^^xsd:date ; :providesCuisineOfType kb:TraditionalCuisine, kb:Crepery, kb:SingleProductSpecialities ; :hasExternalReference data:86051d84-c6d7-76d8-b4cd-403ae063884f ; a :FoodEstablishment, :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :Restaurant, :CafeOrTeahouse, :IceCreamShop, schema:FoodEstablishment, schema:Restaurant, schema:IceCreamShop, schema:CafeOrCoffeeShop ; rdfs:comment "Venez découvrir dans notre restaurant le mariage subtil du sarrazin et des produits du terroir dans ..."@fr, "Come and discover in our restaurant the subtle marriage of the sarrazin and the products of the soil in ..."@en, "Entdecken Sie in unserem Restaurant die subtile Verbindung von Sarrazin und regionalen Produkten in ..."@de, "Kom en ontdek in ons restaurant het subtiele huwelijk van sarrazin en lokale producten in een ..."@nl, "Venga a descubrir en nuestro restaurante el sutil maridaje entre el sarraceno y los productos locales en un ..."@es, "Venite a scoprire nel nostro ristorante il sottile connubio tra sarrazin e prodotti locali in un ..."@it ; rdfs:label "La Galettière"@fr ; dc:identifier "RESPIC0020040023" .