. . . . . . "Le Beach Art Festival \u2026 Pour vivre la plan\u00E8te \u00AB grandeur nature \u00BB !\nOn vous donne rendez-vous les 10 et 11 SEPTEMBRE 2022 pour un week-end color\u00E9, enjou\u00E9, engag\u00E9 et plein d\u2019ondes positives pour la plan\u00E8te !\nUn festival unique en France m\u00EAlant Land Art et \u00E9co-attitude !\nAu d\u00E9part, c\u2019est un challenge ouvert \u00E0 tous, o\u00F9 chacun peut laisser s\u2019exprimer sa cr\u00E9ativit\u00E9 sur le sable \u2026 A l\u2019aide d\u2019outils primaires (ramasse feuille, r\u00E2teau, b\u00E2ton, corde) naissent alors des fresques g\u00E9antes, des dessins qui surprennent, qui attendrissent, qui \u00E9veillent les consciences, qui \u00E0 chaque fois nous \u00E9merveillent\u2026. Des messages \u00E9ph\u00E9m\u00E8res qui partiront avec la mar\u00E9e, comme des bouteilles \u00E0 la mer\nArtistes talentueux mondialement connus ou famille en week-end, chacun, avec son style, son d\u2019imagination, viennent s\u2019exprimer sur la plage, un moment de partage et de convivialit\u00E9\nLe Beach Art Festival , c\u2019est aussi un aventure \u00E0 part enti\u00E8re, une exp\u00E9rience \u00E0 vivre ensemble pour s\u2019amuser et se faire un joli souvenir. Un rendez-vous GREEN ET ENGAGE pour s\u2019int\u00E9resser \u00E0 l\u2019environnement sans se prendre la t\u00EAte. On s\u2019interroge sur la pr\u00E9servation de l\u2019environnement et la sensibilisation au respect de la nature de mani\u00E8re ludique et positive ! On participe au nettoyage de plage, ou \u00E0 la cr\u00E9ation d\u2019une \u0153uvre participative, on fl\u00E2ne au march\u00E9 du recyclage, on joue sur des man\u00E8ges dr\u00F4les et d\u00E9cal\u00E9s au son de la musique festive, on met la main \u00E0 la p\u00E2te lors des ateliers cr\u00E9atifs pour les enfants autour des d\u00E9chets .\nOn \u00E9change avec des artistes, des b\u00E9n\u00E9voles engag\u00E9s, des amoureux de la plan\u00E8te ! On d\u00E9couvre des start-ups qui cr\u00E9ent des objets pour un futur meilleur et plus propre. On refait le monde avec des aventuriers explorateurs qui nous raconte leurs voyages \u00E0 travers le monde et leurs engagements. Bref une p\u00E9pini\u00E8re de personnes volontaires et positives \u00E0 absolument rencontrer !\nAttention \u00E9v\u00E9nement soumis aux conditions m\u00E9t\u00E9o."@fr . "The Beach Art Festival ... To experience the planet \"life size\"!\nWe look forward to seeing you on the 10th and 11th of SEPTEMBER 2022 for a colourful, cheerful, committed weekend full of positive vibes for the planet!\nA unique festival in France combining Land Art and eco-attitude!\nAt the beginning, it is a challenge open to all, where everyone can let their creativity express itself on the sand ... With the help of primary tools (leaf picker, rake, stick, rope) are born giant frescoes, drawings that surprise, that touch, that awaken awareness, that each time amaze us .... Ephemeral messages that will leave with the tide, like bottles in the sea\nWorld famous talented artists or families in weekend, each one, with its style, its imagination, come to express itself on the beach, a moment of sharing and conviviality\nThe Beach Art Festival is also an adventure in itself, an experience to live together to have fun and make a nice souvenir. A GREEN AND COMMITTED meeting to take an interest in the environment without taking the head. You can learn about the preservation of the environment and the respect of nature in a fun and positive way! You can take part in a beach clean-up, or in the creation of a participative work of art, you can stroll around the recycling market, play on funny and offbeat rides to the sound of festive music, and get your hands dirty during the creative workshops for children on waste.\nYou can talk to artists, committed volunteers and people who love the planet! We discover start-ups that create objects for a better and cleaner future. We can rediscover the world with adventurous explorers who tell us about their travels around the world and their commitments. In short, an incubator of positive and willing people to meet!\nAttention, this event is subject to weather conditions."@en . "Beach Art Festival"@fr . "FMAPIC080V50V4DA" .