@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:4c0b914b-74b3-3dfc-88b0-b54605c77c06 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:5901163d-626c-32e9-954b-0c8e08aafe6d ; :hasBeenCreatedBy data:47db771e-2bf6-3224-abac-a0cfb1c10a96 ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:5463b4e3-2482-3579-a40a-47ba972f29d5 ; :hasContact data:61efd10c-c012-31c5-a655-e42efaf1dcea ; :hasDescription data:5901163d-626c-32e9-954b-0c8e08aafe6d ; :hasTheme kb:SingleProductSpecialities ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:681deb04-8aea-3291-84fc-5744d87b3520, data:4542d904-6813-3de1-b085-5934881bc97a, data:a7fab01f-bfd8-3172-a2e7-b712e5275464, data:d4b723e1-7492-3498-89e2-6ac9aaf0f1c5, data:34de0d71-6139-3391-8dc0-e0ac16f952bb ; :isLocatedAt data:f4c8a9ba-d010-39d3-a56a-00d670202104 ; :lastUpdate "2024-06-14"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-06-16T02:09:39.632Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:4c0b914b-74b3-3dfc-88b0-b54605c77c06 ; meta:fingerprint "8ab2fdf39f36bf731b37dbf2b7f71f56" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "436"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "28"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "a2e2b68183ace0d96732a94994c2615f" ; :allowedPersons 30 ; :creationDate "2020-11-12"^^xsd:date ; :providesCuisineOfType kb:SingleProductSpecialities ; :takeAway false ; a :FoodEstablishment, :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :FastFoodRestaurant, schema:FastFoodRestaurant, schema:FoodEstablishment ; rdfs:comment "Large choix de plats, sur place ou à emporter : burger, tacos, tex-mex, kebab..."@fr, "Wide choice of dishes, on the spot or to take away: burger, tacos, tex-mex, kebab..."@en, "Große Auswahl an Gerichten, vor Ort oder zum Mitnehmen: Burger, Tacos, Tex-Mex, Kebab..."@de, "Ruime keuze aan gerechten, ter plaatse of om mee te nemen: hamburger, taco's, tex-mex, kebab..."@nl, "Amplia selección de platos, en el momento o para llevar: hamburguesa, tacos, tex-mex, kebab..."@es, "Ampia scelta di piatti, sul posto o da asporto: hamburger, tacos, tex-mex, kebab..."@it ; rdfs:label "Le Summum"@fr ; dc:identifier "RESPIC080V50X4N0" .