@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:ba2e892f-66a2-3ff8-b003-eb3ebcef1ced ; owl:topObjectProperty data:465acf1f-67b2-3708-913b-1964fa1c659d ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:5463b4e3-2482-3579-a40a-47ba972f29d5 ; :hasContact data:ebc61ca9-6476-3011-9e81-fea110ac77c7 ; :hasDescription data:465acf1f-67b2-3708-913b-1964fa1c659d ; :hasFeature data:be130c02-7eee-384e-91b8-9f3e87fd4da1 ; :hasTheme kb:Daycare ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:8d572793-2f8d-3364-b492-8ec5c867c333, data:a74f169c-73e7-3806-8e94-7bc294cd3821, data:083b5701-d73e-35b4-963d-9da25072e030, data:06cbf564-d439-3148-8abc-d898599fabf2, data:8fbd416b-0f21-3502-abf8-6c151a6a2253 ; :isEquippedWith kb:CarPark ; :isLocatedAt data:903f99e5-4f51-3d44-9c71-348b7b93282a ; :lastUpdate "2024-05-17"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-05-18T02:03:30.676Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:ba2e892f-66a2-3ff8-b003-eb3ebcef1ced ; meta:fingerprint "1930461bce70ae142db7c31461e48223" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "296"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "28"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "3bd8a7c4354e24704c9efd69a4e16807" ; :creationDate "2017-05-19"^^xsd:date ; a :PointOfInterest, :Product, :FreePractice, :Practice, :IntroductionCourse, schema:Product ; rdfs:comment "Future acrobates, jongleurs et trapézistes en herbes ou déjà confirmés, voici pour chacun d’entre vous les ateliers que nous vous proposons."@fr, "Zukünftige Akrobaten, Jongleure und Trapezkünstler, ob angehende oder bereits erfahrene, hier sind die Workshops, die wir für jeden von euch anbieten."@de, "Future acrobats, jugglers and trapeze artists in the making or already experienced, here are the workshops we offer for each of you."@en, "Aspirantes a acróbatas, malabaristas y trapecistas, tanto si estáis empezando como si ya os habéis hecho un nombre, aquí tenéis los talleres que ofrecemos para cada uno de vosotros."@es, "Aspiranti acrobati, giocolieri e trapezisti, che siate alle prime armi o che vi siate già fatti un nome, ecco i laboratori che proponiamo per ognuno di voi."@it, "Aspirant acrobaten, jongleurs en trapezeartiesten, of je nu net begint of al naam hebt gemaakt, hier zijn de workshops die we voor elk van jullie aanbieden."@nl ; rdfs:label "La Compagnie d'Isis"@fr ; dc:identifier "ASCPIC002V50J257" .