@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :EntertainmentAndEvent, :OpenDay, :PointOfInterest, :SaleEvent, schema:Event, schema:SaleEvent ; rdfs:comment """Visit of the vaulted cellars, the desks. Presentation of old tools. Old fashioned tying up. Departure of the visit at 10:00. Visit of the vaulted cellars and the desks. Presentation of old tools Old fashioned tying. Departure of the tour at 10.00 am"""@en, """Visite des caves voûtées, des pupitres. Présentation d’anciens outils. Ficelage à l’ancienne. Départ de la visite à 10:00. Visit of the vaulted cellars and the desks. Presentation of old tools. Old fashioned tying. Departure of the tour at 10.00 am"""@fr ; rdfs:label "Caves Ouvertes - Champagne A.D. COUTELAS"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMACHA051V50GCW4" .