@prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2021-02-12T05:01:44.508Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; a :Concert, :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, schema:Event, schema:MusicEvent ; rdfs:comment """ANNULE VOIX DU MONDE / PORTUGAL / JAZZUS Fado Clandestino est un trio à la croisée des chemins, entre France et Portugal. La chanteuse française et les deux musiciens d’origine portugaise se réapproprient le fado traditionnel en portant un regard singulier sur l’univers poétique et musical de cet art, mêlant les deux cultures : portugaise et française. Que ce soit avec certains textes de la poésie française ou des réadaptations de textes portugais, ou les arrangements musicaux avec des libertés non-conventionnelles, Fado Clandestino réinvente la tradition."""@fr, """VOICE OF THE WORLD / PORTUGAL / JAZZUS Fado Clandestino is a trio at the crossroads between France and Portugal. The French singer and the two musicians of Portuguese origin reappropriate the traditional fado by taking a singular look at the poetic and musical universe of this art, mixing the two cultures: Portuguese and French. Whether it is with certain texts from French poetry or readaptations of Portuguese texts, or musical arrangements with unconventional liberties, Fado Clandestino reinvents tradition."""@en, """CANCELLED VOICE OF THE WORLD / PORTUGAL / JAZZUS Fado Clandestino is a trio at the crossroads between France and Portugal. The French singer and the two musicians of Portuguese origin reappropriate the traditional fado by taking a singular look at the poetic and musical universe of this art, mixing the two cultures: Portuguese and French. Whether it is with certain texts from French poetry or readaptations of Portuguese texts, or musical arrangements with unconventional liberties, Fado Clandestino reinvents tradition."""@en ; rdfs:label "FADO CLANDESTINO - ANNULE"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMACHA051V50HEZZ" .