"2021-01-10T05:11:03.009Z"^^ . . . . . . . "If this show was a charade, it could be put down like this: my first is one, my second is the other and my whole is ???? To find out, you have to see this show in 2 times and 2 rooms. Two points that's all!\n\nThis is Leila. She lives in the country and dresses rather sporty and comfortable, without fuss or falbalas. He's Nils. A fragile boy, \"thin as a piece of wire\". He likes to drive, hair in the wind, in his mechanic grandmother's convertible. Neither of them fit the usual criteria of the typical young teenager. Neither aspires to meet the standards. One day they find themselves in the same class...What do they think? They talk, separately. They say what they feel, what they're feeling, what they're going through. Let's hear it, let's hear it. One then the other and vice versa. There's no need to say any more."@en . "Si ce spectacle \u00E9tait une charade, il pourrait se poser ainsi : mon premier est l\u2019un, mon second est l\u2019autre et mon tout est ??? Pour le savoir, il faut voir ce spectacle en 2 temps et 2 salles. Deux points c\u2019est tout !\n\nElle, c\u2019est Le\u00EFla. Elle habite \u00E0 la campagne et s\u2019habille plut\u00F4t sport et confort, sans chichis ni falbalas. Lui, c\u2019est Nils. Un gar\u00E7on fragile, \u00AB maigre comme un bout de fil de fer \u00BB. Il aime rouler, cheveux au vent, dans la d\u00E9capotable de sa grand-m\u00E8re m\u00E9canicienne. Aucun des deux ne correspond aux crit\u00E8res habituels du jeune adolescent type. Aucun des deux n\u2019aspire \u00E0 se conformer aux normes. Un jour ils se retrouvent dans la m\u00EAme classe\u2026Qu\u2019en pensent-ils ? Ils parlent, s\u00E9par\u00E9ment. Ils disent ce qu\u2019ils \u00E9prouvent, ce qu\u2019ils ressentent, ce qu\u2019ils vivent. \u00C9coutons-le, \u00E9coutons-la. L\u2019un puis l\u2019autre et inversement. Inutile d\u2019en dire plus."@fr . "ANNULE-Th\u00E9\u00E2tre \"Elle pas princesse, lui pas h\u00E9ro\""@fr . "FMACHA051V50EWWH" .