<:PlaceOfInterest rdf:about="https://data.datatourisme.fr/23/b8a574cd-c34f-3a64-b0d6-d3700ee6d11f"> 2024-09-03 2024-09-03T23:42:29.185Z 66fe3fff98a140d28ea8679d503cc3f8 443 23 d0ece53c1193f40d7ec692be39508e04 2022-10-10 Night rest area siding the service area on the main place of the town, place P.Ferrand, by the road RD3 linking the the town centre to the lake of vassivière. Easy to access to - Calm place in a nice setting - immediate acces to the town centre - tar surface of the place - concrete platform (6x3m) Aire d'accueil Camping-Cars Aire d'accueil Camping-Cars Aire d'accueil Camping-Cars Aire d'accueil Camping-Cars Aire d'accueil Camping-Cars ACCAMAQU023V5000YS