. . . . . "By S\u00E9bastien JAHAN\nLecturer in modern history\n\nIn spite of the prohibition of the Reformed religion after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685), Protestant foreigners continued to circulate in France, and even to settle there. This lecture explores different situations, reconstructed from Poitiers sources. It aims to offer a contrasting vision of the evolution of religious tolerance in 18th century France.\n starting at 2:15 pm."@en . "Par S\u00E9bastien JAHAN\nMa\u00EEtre de conf\u00E9rence d\u2019histoire moderne\n\nEn d\u00E9pit des interdictions frappant le culte r\u00E9form\u00E9 apr\u00E8s la r\u00E9vocation de l\u2019\u00E9dit de Nantes (1685), des \u00E9trangers protestants ont continu\u00E9 \u00E0 circuler en France, voire \u00E0 s\u2019y installer. Cette conf\u00E9rence explore diff\u00E9rentes situations, reconstitu\u00E9es \u00E0 partir de sources poitevines. Elle entend proposer une vision contrast\u00E9e de l\u2019\u00E9volution de la tol\u00E9rance religieuse dans la France du XVIIIe.\n \u00E0 partir de 14h15."@fr . "Universit\u00E9 Inter\u00E2ge 2021 : PROTESTANTS ET \u00C9TRANGERS, UN APER\u00C7U DES MIGRATIONS EN POITOU AU 18\u00E8me"@en . "Universit\u00E9 Inter\u00E2ge 2021 : PROTESTANTS ET \u00C9TRANGERS, UN APER\u00C7U DES MIGRATIONS EN POITOU AU 18\u00E8me"@fr . "FMAAQU079V501DE9" .