@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:a99a5218-af78-3058-bc52-135332f42483 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:520afe07-65a1-3c8b-8e0c-44ca56275186 ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:05dc9cb8-2fa5-383d-b87b-497de06649a2 ; :hasContact data:af6f3f3b-4d43-323c-9c18-821fd9613ad7, data:b2a26689-bcee-3f9d-90ae-3d12b777c7df ; :hasDescription data:520afe07-65a1-3c8b-8e0c-44ca56275186 ; :hasMainRepresentation data:a27ca0d1-794c-39ba-b7eb-36a8ff2f8498 ; :hasRepresentation data:a27ca0d1-794c-39ba-b7eb-36a8ff2f8498 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:58b84edc-5eb9-31b1-843e-b9ba065fd82c, data:be529c95-283e-3cc9-9aeb-d11cd15ed9aa, data:1510bf1a-ec20-34b5-8607-b63aa057b7c3, data:ce40e1c4-a683-3643-9864-afd0f051e31c, data:2c52f5bd-711b-32d1-8619-bd2aaeafdf0c ; :isLocatedAt data:c96cee20-d5c7-3d8c-a44d-4858ccd97e49 ; :lastUpdate "2024-01-19"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-04-12T23:47:29.915Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:a99a5218-af78-3058-bc52-135332f42483 ; meta:fingerprint "5a87bbacddf3bc4c76992dd6c5cf3bcc" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "499"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "23"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "e2cbfad0d216c1b52d17dcdcdfe3163d" ; :allowedPersons 12 ; :creationDate "2012-12-14"^^xsd:date ; :hasBookingContact data:af6f3f3b-4d43-323c-9c18-821fd9613ad7 ; :isOwnedBy data:9be9889b-1d8b-333d-9ebd-d000f96c238a ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :Accommodation, :Guesthouse, :RentalAccommodation, schema:Accommodation, schema:LodgingBusiness, schema:BedAndBreakfast ; rdfs:comment "In a quiet and relaxing environment, 5 guest rooms for rent on the ground floor and 1st floor."@en, "Dans un environnement calme et reposant, 5 chambres d'hôtes à louer en rez-de-chaussée et au 1er étage."@fr, "In einer ruhigen und erholsamen Umgebung sind 5 Gästezimmer im Erdgeschoss und im 1. Stock zu vermieten."@de, "In een rustige en rustgevende omgeving, 5 gastenkamers te huur op de begane grond en de begane grond."@nl, "En un entorno tranquilo y reposado, se alquilan 5 habitaciones de huéspedes en la planta baja y en la planta superior."@es, "In un ambiente tranquillo e riposante, 5 camere in affitto al piano terra e al piano superiore."@it ; rdfs:label "Gaffes Eric"@en, "Gaffes Eric"@fr, "Gaffes Eric"@de, "Gaffes Eric"@es, "Gaffes Eric"@nl ; dc:identifier "HLOAQU040FS006CJ" .