. . . . . . "A l\u2019occasion du championnat de France de Tennis Interclub S\u00E9niors \u2013 PRO A, l\u2019\u00E9quipe premi\u00E8re messieurs de la Villa Primrose recevra respectivement le TC Paris, le CT Clermontois et le TC Boulogne Billancourt lors de ses 3 rencontres \u00E0 domicile.\n\nLa premi\u00E8re division nationale oppose les meilleurs clubs de Tennis en France et propose des rencontres sportives entre joueurs professionnels fran\u00E7ais et internationaux.\n\nVenez nombreux \u00E0 la Villa Primrose pour soutenir l'\u00E9quipe dans son objectif de titre de Champion de France de PRO A cette saison !"@fr . "250 tennis players from around the world are expected from July 15 to 21 on the Villa Primrose clay courts for the \"Villa Primrose Bordeaux Senior Open\" tournament. \n\nThis tournament is the biggest in France for this category of seniors over 35, the only one in France to be classified as \"Grade A\". Seniors will come to Primrose to improve their world rankings. The competitors are more than half of them from distant horizons: Brazil, New Zealand, USA, Australia, Chile and of course Europe. \n\nA week of competitions, but also of exchanges and conviviality in the green frame of the Villa Primrose. The spectators enjoy free access all the week from 9h to 20h."@en . "Championnat de France de Tennis Interclub S\u00E9niors - Pro"@en . "Championnat de France de Tennis Interclub S\u00E9niors - Pro"@fr . "FMAAQU033V50TJNR" .