@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :ChildrensEvent, :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, schema:Event ; rdfs:comment "Cathy Bohl fait la lecture aux minots."@fr, "Cathy Bohl liest den Kleinen vor."@de, "Cathy Bohl reads to the kids."@en, "Cathy Bohl lee a los más pequeños."@es, "Cathy Bohl leest de kleintjes voor."@nl, "Cathy Bohl legge ai più piccoli."@it ; rdfs:label "Lecture aux Minots"@en, "Lecture aux Minots"@fr, "Lecture aux Minots"@de, "Lecture aux Minots"@es, "Lecture aux Minots"@nl ; dc:identifier "FMAAQU047V50IFBA" .