@prefix owl: . @prefix data: . @prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . owl:topObjectProperty data:62385601-b2bd-3587-a481-25d5b5e93353 ; :availableLanguage "fr" ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:80cc2110-7e7d-3df0-b400-02e35bef1eed ; :hasContact data:f6f95ac6-77b0-32a5-afd3-7cb392a81b7d ; :hasDescription data:62385601-b2bd-3587-a481-25d5b5e93353 ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:f2db96bf-0782-3e62-9b6f-0b062c4948a7, data:6c96599f-b41b-393f-a14c-3439634a5667, data:2f9586d8-9468-3012-928e-60f068d6e2d5, data:1a36776f-ea8c-3df6-9faa-ad780165cbb5, data:d6651806-2e05-3ca5-b9c1-6382d72a5831 ; :isLocatedAt data:399fcaee-6db1-339f-8acc-5dd9b03cc072 ; :lastUpdate "2024-06-01"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-06-02T22:11:43.568Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; meta:fingerprint "f4b1989763a7e48860befa041fcdf534" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "454"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "23"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "0fb6a2f909eb1a2ee4830b1447a90ad2" ; :creationDate "2024-02-10"^^xsd:date ; :hasBookingContact data:f6f95ac6-77b0-32a5-afd3-7cb392a81b7d ; :isOwnedBy data:f6f95ac6-77b0-32a5-afd3-7cb392a81b7d ; a :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :MedicalPlace, :HealthcareProfessional, schema:LocalBusiness ; rdfs:comment "Votre ostéopathe vous reçoit sur rendez-vous à son cabinet du lundi au samedi."@fr, "Il vostro osteopata sarà lieto di accogliervi nel suo studio su appuntamento dal lunedì al sabato."@it, "Ihr Osteopath empfängt Sie nach Terminvereinbarung von Montag bis Samstag in seiner Praxis."@de, "Je osteopaat ontvangt je graag in zijn praktijk op afspraak van maandag tot zaterdag."@nl, "Your osteopath is available to see you by appointment from Monday to Saturday."@en, "Su osteópata estará encantado de recibirle en su consulta con cita previa de lunes a sábado."@es ; rdfs:label "Mme Amandine ROY"@de, "Mme Amandine ROY"@en, "Mme Amandine ROY"@es, "Mme Amandine ROY"@fr, "Mme Amandine ROY"@nl ; dc:identifier "A0013AQU064V5BTF9J" .