. . . . . . . . . . . . . "P\u00E9rip\u00E9'cirque Tacoma > Cie l'Exp\u00E9dition [ Concert jugl\u00E9 ]\n\nThe \"Tout un cirque !\" course leads eight classes of Haute-Gironde and the intercommunal music school of Grand Cubzaguais to the realization of a Circavalcade, worked with the company L'Exp\u00E9dition and which you can attend on the Champ de Foire square.\n\nThis urban parade is orchestrated by the company L'Exp\u00E9dition which will propose to the classes the show Tacoma :\n\nTacoma, this fragile bridge dancing between technical performance and sound magic.\nTacoma, this American bridge from the 40's, built with all the science and industry of its time, suddenly started to undulate and was torn apart gracefully by the wind.\n\nTacoma, a show for four jugglers and four musicians composed of \"harmonic throws\", a method of choreography based on scores created by the company."@en . "P\u00E9rip\u00E9\u2019cirque Tacoma > Cie l\u2019Exp\u00E9dition [ Concert jongl\u00E9 ]\n\nLe parcours Tout un cirque ! m\u00E8ne huit classes de Haute-Gironde et l\u2019\u00E9cole de musique intercommunale du Grand Cubzaguais \u00E0 la r\u00E9alisation d\u2019une Circavalcade, travaill\u00E9e avec la compagnie L\u2019Exp\u00E9dition et \u00E0 laquelle vous pourrez assister place du Champ de Foire.\n\nCette parade urbaine est orchestr\u00E9e par la Cie l\u2019Exp\u00E9dition qui proposera aux classes le spectacle Tacoma :\n\nTacoma, ce pont fragile dansant entre performance technique et magie sonore.\nTacoma, ce pont am\u00E9ricain des ann\u00E9es 40, construit avec toute la science et l\u2019industrie de son \u00E9poque qui tout \u00E0 coup s\u2019est mis \u00E0 onduler et s\u2019est d\u00E9chir\u00E9 gracieusement sous l\u2019effet du vent.\n\nTacoma, ce spectacle pour quatre jongleurs et quatre musiciens compos\u00E9 de \u00AB lancers harmoniques \u00BB, m\u00E9thode de chor\u00E9graphies sur partitions cr\u00E9\u00E9e par la compagnie."@fr . "Circavalcade"@en . "Circavalcade"@fr . "FMAAQU033V50WP1A" .