"2020-10-16T10:22:10.46Z"^^ . . . . . . . . "Conf\u00E9rence men\u00E9e par Georges RIBEILL - Historien du rail, sociologue des cheminots, chercheur \u00E0 l\u2019ENPC, a publi\u00E9 de nombreux livres et articles, anime Rails et Histoire, Ferinter, et la revue Historail .\n\nEn 1877, les R\u00E9publicains acc\u00E9dant au gouvernement vont promouvoir un \u00AB troisi\u00E8me r\u00E9seau \u00BB de lignes d\u2019int\u00E9r\u00EAt g\u00E9n\u00E9ral. Lors de l\u2019av\u00E8nement du cabinet Dufaure (1877-1879), Gambetta, pr\u00E9sident de la chambre, et Freycinet, ministre des Travaux publics, souhaitent \u00AB r\u00E9publicaniser \u00BB les campagnes : Le programme prit l\u2019allure d\u2019un plan \u00E0 long terme : 181 nouvelles lignes, soit pr\u00E8s de 17000 km, d\u2019un co\u00FBt pr\u00E9visionnel de 3,2 milliards ! Gambetta ne conna\u00EEtra pas la d\u00E9route du plan. Mais qu\u2019en fut-il justement de ce plan dans le Lot et les d\u00E9partements voisins ?"@fr . "Conference led by Georges RIBEILL - Rail historian, railway sociologist, researcher at the ENPC, has published many books and articles, hosts Rails et Histoire, Ferinter, and the review Historail .\n\nIn 1877, Republicans entering government promoted a \"third network\" of public interest lines. With the advent of the Dufaure cabinet (1877-1879), Gambetta, President of the Chamber, and Freycinet, Minister of Public Works, wanted to \"republicanise\" the countryside: the programme took the form of a long-term plan: 181 new lines, i.e. nearly 17,000 km, at a projected cost of 3.2 billion! Gambetta will not experience the rout of the plan. But what exactly happened to this plan in the Lot and neighbouring departments?"@en . "** REPORTE ** Ann\u00E9e Gambetta : Conf\u00E9rence, \"L\u00E9on Gambetta, le Plan Freycinet et les Chemins de Fer\""@fr . "FMAMIP046V51SI2C" .