@prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . data:21e8b2bd-2c7e-36e8-89a7-7d6bfc0cb025 owl:topDataProperty "C'est dans cette grotte que Marie-Madeleine se serait réfugiée pour y passer la fin de sa vie."@fr, "After a climb of about 45 minutes along a winding path and up steps looking out on the life-size depiction of the Crucifixion of Jesus, you arrive at the esplanade of the cave, with an exceptionally beautiful panorama before you. The temperature inside is 13°C, in winter and summer. To the right of the cave entrance, against the rock face, is a seminary that is still active."@en ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:21877c89-1c90-3fbf-88a3-92826cea3554, data:f69076aa-4c67-3b73-b145-587a0a9c0f29, data:ed795d15-96ba-3c5d-886b-ddc3524cd56b, data:27324b17-d337-3da0-a663-11acb5447a1b ; :shortDescription "C'est dans cette grotte que Marie-Madeleine se serait réfugiée pour y passer la fin de sa vie."@fr, "Se dice que fue en esta gruta donde María Magdalena se refugió y pasó el resto de su vida."@es, "In deze grot zou Maria Magdalena haar toevlucht hebben gezocht en de rest van haar leven hebben doorgebracht."@nl, "È in questa grotta che si dice si sia rifugiata Maria Maddalena e abbia trascorso il resto della sua vita."@it, "In diese Höhle soll sich Maria Magdalena geflüchtet haben, um dort die letzten Tage ihres Lebens zu verbringen."@de, "After a climb of about 45 minutes along a winding path and up steps looking out on the life-size depiction of the Crucifixion of Jesus, you arrive at the esplanade of the cave, with an exceptionally beautiful panorama before you. The temperature inside is 13°C, in winter and summer. To the right of the cave entrance, against the rock face, is a seminary that is still active."@en ; a :Description . owl:topObjectProperty data:21e8b2bd-2c7e-36e8-89a7-7d6bfc0cb025 ; :hasDescription data:21e8b2bd-2c7e-36e8-89a7-7d6bfc0cb025 .