"2021-04-15T11:04:46.902Z"^^ . . . . . . "En ligne sur ZOOM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82132323205 - Par Dominique Amouroux, critique d\u2019architecture, historien de l\u2019architecture du XXe si\u00E8cle - Service Culture et Patrimoine : 05 46 38 37 06 - animation.patrimoine@mairie-royan.fr - Gratuit\n\n\n\nLe XXe si\u00E8cle ayant produit plus \u00AB d\u2019objets \u00BB architecturaux que tous les si\u00E8cles pr\u00E9c\u00E9dents r\u00E9unis, il est logique que la question du devenir de nombre d\u2019entre eux se pose avec une intensit\u00E9 particuli\u00E8re. Style, typologie, mat\u00E9riaux, auteurs, inventaire ? \n\nSur quels crit\u00E8res partageables se fonder pour d\u00E9cider de d\u00E9truire, de r\u00E9nover, de reconvertir ou de laisser en l\u2019\u00E9tat ? L\u2019Observatoire cr\u00E9\u00E9 \u00E0 l\u2019initiative de l\u2019Union r\u00E9gionale des CAUE de la R\u00E9gion Auvergne-Rh\u00F4ne-Alpes illustre d\u2019exemples probants cette question pos\u00E9e quasi quotidiennement aux \u00E9lus, aux propri\u00E9taires, aux professionnels, aux scientifiques et aux associations.\n\nSOUMIS AUX GESTES BARRI\u00C8RES"@fr . "On line on ZOOM - By Dominique Amouroux, architecture critic, historian of 20th century architecture - Service Culture et Patrimoine : 05 46 38 37 06 - animation.patrimoine@mairie-royan.fr - Free\n\n\n\nThe 20th century having produced more architectural \"objects\" than all the previous centuries put together, it is logical that the question of the future of many of them is raised with particular intensity. Style, typology, materials, authors, inventory?\n\nWhat criteria can be used to decide whether to demolish, renovate, reconvert or leave as is? The Observatory created at the initiative of the Regional Union of the CAUE of the Auvergne-Rh\u00F4ne-Alpes Region illustrates with convincing examples this question asked almost daily to elected officials, owners, professionals, scientists and associations.\n\nSUBJECTED TO BARRIER GESTURES"@en . "On line on ZOOM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82132323205 - By Dominique Amouroux, architectural critic, historian of 20th century architecture - Service Culture et Patrimoine : 05 46 38 37 06 - animation.patrimoine@mairie-royan.fr - Free\n\n\n\nThe 20th century having produced more architectural \"objects\" than all the previous centuries put together, it is logical that the question of the future of many of them is raised with particular intensity. Style, typology, materials, authors, inventory?\n\nWhat criteria can be used to decide whether to demolish, renovate, reconvert or leave as is? The Observatory created at the initiative of the Regional Union of the CAUE of the Auvergne-Rh\u00F4ne-Alpes Region illustrates with convincing examples this question asked almost daily to elected officials, owners, professionals, scientists and associations.\n\nSUBJECTED TO BARRIER GESTURES"@en . "MOIS DE L'ARCHITECTURE - CONF\u00C9RENCE - INTERVENIR AU XXIE SI\u00C8CLE SUR LES \u00C9DIFICES DU XXE SI\u00C8CLE"@fr . "425937" .