"2021-07-02T11:00:55.722Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Festival Rivedoux Folies: Great festive evening with outdoor concerts. \n\\n\u00A0\n\\nConcert in the early evening and midnight to 2am DJ entertainment. \n\\n\u00A0\n\\nMany stalls offering restaurateurs grilled fish, Creole specialties, various cheeses and various pastries ... Restore from 19h. \n\\n\u00A0\n\\nInstallation of large tables and chairs on the bowling alley, tables free access to savor the specialties offered by restaurants present for the evening! \n\\n\u00A0\n\\nFree admission from 19h to 2h."@en . "Soir\u00E9e sur l'esplanade de la mer o\u00F9 les commer\u00E7ants vous feront d\u00E9guster leurs sp\u00E9cialit\u00E9s (Traiteur Thierry Bonnin, poissonnerie Labatud, Alfred Burger, la Case des Iles, Fish and Ships, r\u00F4tisserie, bonbons, chichis, cr\u00EApes...).\n\n\n\nMercredi 11 aout 2021 \u00E0 partir de 19h. Ambiance musicale d\u00E8s 20h suivie du \"Variety Show\" en duo.\n\n\n\nTables et chaises mises \u00E0 disposition.\n\n\n\nSoir\u00E9e organis\u00E9e par le comit\u00E9 des f\u00EAtes de Rivedoux.\n\nContact : 06 64 35 80 00\n\ncdf17940@orange.fr"@fr . "RIVEDOUX FOLIES"@en . "RIVEDOUX FOLIES"@fr . "417503" .