"2020-10-21T11:06:09.6Z"^^ . . . . "Au c\u0153ur des anciens marais salants de la Seudre, se dresse un monument unique dans la r\u00E9gion: Le Moulin des Loges.\n\nA mar\u00E9e basse, improvisez-vous meunier et participez au fonctionnement d'un tr\u00E9sor patrimonial. Vous suivrez sur deux \u00E9tages la transformation des grains de bl\u00E9 en farine. Une visite qui mettra tous vos sens en \u00E9veil.\n\n\n\n\n\nTarifs: 5\u20AC adulte - 3\u20AC enfant de 6 \u00E0 16 ans - 4\u20AC tarif r\u00E9duit - gratuit - 6 ans"@fr . "In between sea and ground, the mill was probably built in the XIIth century, in the middle of a large natural site, where salt has taken the place of oysters.\n\\nThe mill grind with the energy of tide : when the tide comes in, salted water come into the basin ; at ebb tide, the miller let the water flow with a regular flow which makes the wheel spin along with the stones that grind wheat. That is the seawhich gives order to the miller who sleeps when the tide comes in !"@en . "DEMONSTRATION DE MEUNERIE AU MOULIN DES LOGES"@fr . "349172" .