@prefix : . @prefix xsd: . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2020-10-16T11:05:55.165Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; a :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, :SportsCompetition, :SportsEvent, schema:Event, schema:SportsEvent ; rdfs:comment """Suite à l'annulation de l'édition 2020, c'est en 2021 que le Marathon de La Rochelle-Serge Vigot fêtera ses 30 ans ! Au programme : - Marathon - Marathon en DUO - 10 km - Relais entreprise"""@fr, "In 1991, at the foot of the famous Towers, the La Rochelle Marathon was launched. The second biggest marathon in France after the Paris marathon, every year it brings together over 10,000 runners on the last weekend in November: marathon, duo (two runners in a relay), 10km and Company Challenge, parasports...an exceptional race in an exceptional setting with an exceptional atmosphere!"@en ; rdfs:label "MARATHON DE LA ROCHELLE SERGE VIGOT"@fr ; dc:identifier "353711" .