@prefix schema: . @prefix data: . @prefix owl: . @prefix : . @prefix kb: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix meta: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . schema:offers data:1c5baf7e-152c-3aae-acee-be7dfcd83dc6 ; owl:topObjectProperty data:3a1d9c05-a466-3557-b399-5604baa98c8d ; :availableLanguage "fr" ; :hasArchitecturalStyle kb:Medieval, kb:Gothic, kb:Renaissance, kb:GalloRoman ; :hasBeenCreatedBy ; :hasBeenPublishedBy data:bba35b4d-022c-3fa7-90a3-07eba818e3a5 ; :hasContact data:08f5d51a-22f4-3a82-83ba-b284e305f141 ; :hasDescription data:3a1d9c05-a466-3557-b399-5604baa98c8d ; :hasFeature data:29ab6668-a888-32ca-b368-1128e92d683c ; :hasMainRepresentation data:654c4867-53f7-3690-9917-9458cf1ebbdd ; :hasRepresentation data:654c4867-53f7-3690-9917-9458cf1ebbdd, data:2c78b8be-94a3-3156-a1ff-4aac9fe64c4e, data:2e6550df-cfdc-3146-886c-87c1d6e9af80, data:36a91712-bd0e-3c9e-af9f-428c3d724867, data:78d35be3-cabb-3092-81f8-594bc6756bb4, data:867f676b-b6aa-3d0c-bf1d-393bbba942ce, data:9676adbe-9334-38e5-8b37-b33d28d5d4c6, data:e0dc4011-32fd-3625-b03a-349ff5cc88ff ; :hasTheme kb:Medieval, kb:Downtown, kb:Gothic, kb:Renaissance, kb:GalloRoman ; :hasTranslatedProperty data:04124904-6744-3850-9615-5b6397a63e59, data:1ea85b93-34ac-36c7-b1ad-bc43d299696f, data:90a95c07-9113-3a3b-a07e-834782c5f485 ; :isEquippedWith kb:Shop, kb:Wifi ; :isLocatedAt data:65298211-f511-332e-8460-95aa09fba363 ; :lastUpdate "2024-06-25"^^xsd:date ; :lastUpdateDatatourisme "2024-06-25T14:01:20.355Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; :offers data:1c5baf7e-152c-3aae-acee-be7dfcd83dc6 ; :reducedMobilityAccess false ; meta:fingerprint "31447f7e6647aa93822934d3bbb9b0bf" ; meta:hasFluxIdentifier "297"^^xsd:int ; meta:hasOrganizationIdentifier "15"^^xsd:int ; meta:sourceChecksum "0f85583e1bd537477e46df8dd190526a" ; :creationDate "2004-11-10"^^xsd:date ; :hasNeighborhood kb:Downtown ; a :CityHeritage, :CulturalSite, :PlaceOfInterest, :PointOfInterest, :ReligiousSite, :RemarkableBuilding, :Church, :Convent, :DefenceSite, :Bridge, :Dungeon ; rdfs:comment "Over the 21 stages of this trail, come and discover the history of the town, one of the most beautiful visits in France, and its renowned inhabitants."@en, "Durant les 21 étapes de ce sentier, venez découvrir l'histoire de la ville fleurie (3 fleurs) et de ses illustres habitants."@fr, "Al corazón del Valle Negro, La Châtre, miembro de los « Plus Beaux Détours de France », es una ciudad bonita del Sur del Berry, construida sobre un collado que domina el Indre."@es, "Während der 21 Etappen dieses Pfades lernen Sie die Geschichte der Blumenstadt (3 Blumen) und ihrer berühmten Bewohner kennen."@de, "Kom tijdens de 21 etappes van deze route de geschiedenis van de bloemenstad (3 bloemen) en haar illustere inwoners ontdekken."@nl, "Durante le 21 tappe di questo percorso, venite a scoprire la storia della città dei fiori (3 fiori) e dei suoi illustri abitanti."@it ; rdfs:label "Historical pedestrian circuit in La Châtre"@en, "Parcours historique"@fr, "El recorrido histórico"@es ; dc:identifier "PCUCEN0360070475" .