@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :Concert, :CulturalEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :Parade, :PointOfInterest, :ShowEvent, :SocialEvent, schema:Event, schema:MusicEvent, schema:SocialEvent ; rdfs:comment "Festliches Wochenende rund um Schottland."@de, "Fin de semana festivo en Escocia."@es, "Week-end festif autour de l'Ecosse."@fr, "Fine settimana di festa in Scozia."@it, "Feestelijk weekend in Schotland."@nl, "For more 30 years, the French-Scottish Festival have recalled the historic past of the City of Aubigny through shows, medieval market, camps, concerts, feasts, firework ... Bagpipes, kilts and Pipes Bands invade Aubigny each year for a weekend, to celebrate the Auld Alliance."@en ; rdfs:label "French-Scottish Feasts"@en, "Week-end écossais"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMACENBERV500JLO" .