@prefix : . @prefix schema: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . a :ChildrensEvent, :CulturalEvent, :DanceEvent, :EntertainmentAndEvent, :PointOfInterest, :ShowEvent, :TheaterEvent, schema:Event, schema:TheaterEvent, schema:DanceEvent ; rdfs:comment "Das Festival für Kinder und Eltern. das sind Konzerte, Animationen, Straßentheater, ...."@de, "The festival of the children and the parents. it is concerts, animations, spectacles of street, ...."@en, "El festival para niños y padres. conciertos, animaciones, espectáculos callejeros, ...."@es, "Le festival des enfants et des parents. c'est des concerts, animations, spectacles de rue, ...."@fr, "Il festival per bambini e genitori. concerti, animazioni, spettacoli di strada, ...."@it, "Het festival voor kinderen en ouders. concerten, animaties, straatshows, ...."@nl ; rdfs:label "Môm' en théâtre"@fr ; dc:identifier "FMACENBERV503MLR" .